Great contribution to the structural wood industry in the Project for Determining the Strength Properties of Our Native Wood Species.
The research project, which was put into the program with the initiatives of the Turkish Forest Products Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (TORID) and the instructions of our General Manager, Mr. Bekir KARACABEY, with the efforts of the Head of the Business Marketing Department Ahmet Aydın and his colleagues, was carried out by Marmara Forestry Research Institute Director Dr. Mehmet Özdemir and Forest Industry Engineers Selim ERMİŞ, Mehmet ARSLAN and Tülay YILMAZ.
At the European Wood Association (CEN) meeting, Prof. Türker Dündar made a presentation about the studies conducted which were found successful by the members of the board and it was decided to include our Black Pine and Fir species in the scope of EUROCODE 5. Again, the necessary records will be made in TS EN 338, which will form the basis for the wooden structure and design, and it will be processed in our national standard. In addition, these values will be processed into the TS EN 1912 standard valid in Europe.
It is seen that our native tree species Black Pine, Eastern Black Sea Fir and Western Black Sea Fir are in better condition than their European counterparts. By determining the strength properties, the use of Larch and Fir species for structural wood in the construction industry will be paved, and obstacles will be lifted for their use in Turkey and Europe.